Direct Mail, A Powerful Advertising Tool In Your Cash Gifting Program

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By Michael J Kohn
Cash gifting postcard mailings can be one the most cost effective weapons in your advertising arsenal.
The best way to attract new prospects to your business opportunity is to diversify your approach in making contact with those new prospects. This holds true in any work at home, Cash Gifting, MLM, direct sales or internet opportunity that you advertise. Many people starting a home based business fail to grasp this simple truth and end up marketing their business opportunity in one way over and over again. Psychologist Abraham Maslow PHD (1908-1970) who penned The Hierarchy of Needs once said: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” Today let’s examine a tool that many work at home marketers have not given any thought to; the simple postcard.
The first rule of advertising is consistency. Webster’s New World defines consistency as: “agreement with what has already been done or expressed; conformity with previous practice.” It really doesn’t matter what type of advertising you are doing if it is working for you, as long as it is done in a consistent manner. Adding another form or way of advertising only increases your opportunity to draw in new prospects.
A direct mail postcard is a great marketing tool that can be used very effectively for your cash gifting program. With the right mailing list of potential wealth builders you don’t need a marketing budget the size of the federal deficient. Some direct mail companies will even add the names electronically when printing and then mail the postcard for you at the same time. Obviously, this requires payment upfront, but can save a good amount of time.
Four key elements to consider for direct mail postcards are:
Cost Effectiveness: Full color photo quality printing costs have become very reasonable in the past couple of years and mailing a postcard is a much lower cost than mailing a regular size envelope. At present it is about a 35% difference and postage seems to go up every couple of months. A postcard, no larger than a 4 X 6, will mail for 26 cents today and can hold a large amount of advertising, if laid out properly. The difference in cost, from a standard business letter sized envelope and a postcard can really mount up when mailing thousands of pieces of advertising. Remember that the printing quality can greatly enhance your response rate.
Readability: What happens to the standard piece of business or “junk mail” that you receive nearly every day? It ends up in the trash before it is ever opened and read. A postcard on the other hand, like a billboard, can be easily perused as soon as it is seen. With the proper message it will grab the new prospects attention and garner a little more respect than your average advertising, wrapped in an envelope.
Measurability: A postcard mailing campaign can be measured for effectiveness very easily. If you were to send out two thousand postcards and received one hundred responses to your mailing you would then have a five percent response rate. Simple math right? You could also take it to the next level and track the number of prospects who join your work at home opportunity.
Multiple Uses: Postcards can be used to announce any number of things. Such as a new website, a sale, expansion of your cash gifting program, an invitation to a seminar. You get the idea.
Adding postcard marketing to your advertising arsenal can generate an influx of new business for the new marketer as well as the seasoned veteran alike. Remember this simple and often underused marketing tool and you’ll be on your way to generating new business and bringing eager new prospects to your home based business opportunity.
Watch for more informative articles on cash gifting and other work at home opportunities to be posted in the near future.
Michael J Kohn
New Image Marketing Group, Inc.
About the Author: Michael Kohn is the president of New Image Marketing Group Inc. and Exclusively Cards Inc. With a background of over 25 successful years in sales and marketing he brings a modern and easy to follow approach to direct sales and internet marketing. Please Visit Us At:
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